The Business of Singing
With 25+ years of experience as a singer and career mentor, Cindy has established herself as the go-to for frank, kind, and actionable advice. She has helped singers from beginners to international artists with private consultations, workshops, special projects, one-on-one career mentoring, and more; and she would love to help you, too.

"Cindy's Business of Singing classes are one of the most useful things a singer could experience while trying to make their way in the professional singing world at any capacity. Not only is there an amazing focus on how to specifically market yourself to the best of your abilities in every possible situation, it also includes invaluable knowledge about the business side of singing that is often only gained through actual experience as a working singer. So often a program or a music degree won't include anything about actually working as a singer beyond technique, stage experience, and acting, but Cindy's classes teach you how to effectively present those skills and how to monitor and run your experiences as a business. Cindy's experience in the business and her collaboration with other successful artists create an astoundingly in-depth series of courses that teach you everything you need as a working singer from taxes and management to social media platforms and audition materials. They are an essential supplement to anyone wishing to perform professionally as a singer!"
—Lauren Slagowski, soprano, graduate student
"Her insight on the business, how to prepare and be prepared for every situation is amazing."
Darren Keith Woods, General Director, Seagle Music Colony
"I don't care if you're a neophyte or, like me, someone looking to renew their pursuit of a career after taking time off or somewhere in between; a consultation with Cindy is a MUST."
–Limmie Pulliam, tenor
"Cindy has lots of experience and perspective to draw upon, being an opera professional working in several capacities; she also has the ability to get to the heart of your question quickly, talk about it frankly and constructively, and offer "real-talk" advice and actionable ideas. I found myself easily creating a "to-do" list from the feedback I received on my questions, and left her session feeling motivated and empowered."
—Danielle Buonaiuto, soprano
"She listened patiently to all of my questions and concerns, gave me agency to start treating my career like a small business, and helped me to see that I have the tools to navigate this crazy world."
Timothy Madden, bass-baritone
Spotlight on Opera
Professional Development Program

In 2007, Cindy founded Spotlight on Opera to provide aspiring and avocational singers an opportunity to study, perform and hone their artistic entrepreneurship in a supportive and safe environment devoted to excellence. Visit the official website for full details on the program and its offerings or to support “opera for everyone” with a donation!
"I found myself as an artist. I have a better sense of who I am and I'm bringing that out here while I audition."
—Zuly Inirio, soprano, Germany
"It helped prepare me for grad school and made me realize I was serious about opera... It provided a safe environment for me to grow as a performer and to get used to being on stage."
—Julie Silva, mezzo
"'s an amazing program ... you get master classes, lessons, coachings, you get to do four opera, concerts, business of singing classes ... you get to work with so many professionals. It's a very good price point. The Business of Singing classes made the program worth it for me even without any of the performing."
—Lauren Slagowski, soprano
FORMER Artist in Residence
Hurley School of Music
From 2017-2019, Cindy proudly served a residency on the faculty of the Hurley School of Music at Centenary College of Louisiana, where she taught voice and directed the Singers’ Workshop.