Artist Adminisrrator — Cindy Sadler

Cindy is the new Director of Marketing an dCommunications at Tulsa Opera!


The Business of Singing

With 25+ years of experience as a singer and career mentor, Cindy has established herself as the go-to for frank, kind, and actionable advice. She has helped singers from beginners to international artists with private consultations, workshops, special projects, one-on-one career mentoring, and more; and she would love to help you, too.


Spotlight on Opera

Professional Development Program

In 2007, Cindy founded Spotlight on Opera to provide aspiring and avocational singers an opportunity to study, perform and hone their artistic entrepreneurship in a supportive and safe environment devoted to excellence.  Visit the official website for full details on the program and its offerings or to support “opera for everyone” with a donation!


FORMER Artist in Residence

Hurley School of Music

From 2017-2019, Cindy proudly served a residency on the faculty of the Hurley School of Music at Centenary College of Louisiana, where she taught voice and directed the Singers’ Workshop.